Sindur Khela Durga Puja Festival4

West bengal

A Land that bonds
What ultimately makes Bengal a unique destination?
Is this because Bengal was the centre of a cultural renaissance, which took place much before the two great continents, America and Australia, were discovered? Is this why most Indian Nobel Laurates and a galaxy of stalwarts in Indian fine arts, music, theatre, literature and politics hailed from Bengal? May it be the exemplary spirit of brotherhood and tolerance among diverse religious and ethnic groups, which harmonise even today's time? Can this also be the subtleties of its food preparation, which no other countries or communities could succeed in replicating even today? Is it due to a prevalent slogan, "What Bengal Thinks today, India thinks tomorrow"? Or is this because of a brilliant climate, pleasant & varied landscape, extremely fertile alluvial deposits, and abundant water source with excellent connectivity that attracted different foreign dynasties to invade this region time and time again?
A total Bengal remains in all of these and much more. It has an incredible range of natural diversity stretching across from the seashore and reaches up to the Great Himalayan ranges with varied life forms. The Spirit of Bengal lies in the festivities as Bengalis celebrate more festivals than a Year has its months – (as a proverb in Bengal says, Thirteen Festivals in Twelve Months).
The recorded history of Bengal started about 1400 years back. A recent archaeological excavation suggests that this land's living existence goes back 20,000 years or more - yes, you read it correctly – it's twenty thousand years!
No wonder Bengal should have richness in various fields. And we heartily invite you to experience them.

Travel Destinations in West bengal


Sindur Khela Durga Puja Festival5
Durga Puja
Indian mythology celebrates a united power that combines masculine authority with a natural or feminine influence. Among all divine beings, Goddess Durga has been Kolkata's favourite. Durga Puja is the most awaited holiday of Bengalis, or you may say that all the people are residing in the city rise to revel during this time. The city shines like a queen with the designer lights on every single street, the rhythmic sound of dhaaks and mantras resonating from every nook and corner, people thronging the roads wearing vibrant clothes – make it an event of classic splendour.
'Durga Puja' is celebrated for five days. This is the time when the whole family reunites to welcome their estranged daughter. Her stay at natal home for a few days is a call for celebration and rejuvenation. Members of the family make most of it as a good time will be over very soon. If observed keenly, the Durga Puja Festival is nothing but a broader representation of a familiar domestic story. It is the month of 'Aswin' in Bengali Calendar when the people of Kolkata get engrossed in the festive feeling.
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Deepavali - The Festival of Lights
The literal meaning of Deepavali suggests several lamps in a row. Essentially, this festival of lights is celebrated to illuminate human life and boost the spirit of the earth, choreographed with different kinds of lighting and firecrackers.
As stated by Hindu mythology, Goddess Kali is the angriest and most ferocious of the ten incarnations of Devi Durga. The image popular among the devotees is a gruesome portrayal of an unclothed woman with a violent face; it's only her long black locks and a garland of skulls that cover up her private body parts. The name of the deity is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Kaal', which means time. She is considered the Goddess of Time, whose appearance suggests a change or the end of darkness more precisely.
A shining city replete with gatherings of friends and family. Magnificently decorated clay lamps on the walls, stairs, and doors of every house, chirpy children all around enjoying a bonfire and festive fireworks, and a colourful network across the city by the strings of electric lights is a visual experience that hardly fades or grows stale with time.
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Dol or Holi: - The Festival of Colours
Spring in Bengal and India comes with the colourful wind to celebrate love and the victory of good over evil. The smearing of colours is a ritual, expressing love and reassurance of the prevalent goodness. Once you step inside Kolkata during spring, you will be attacked by the smell of fragrant aabir and malpoa (a favourite dessert made of flour, semolina and sugar).
This will immediately bring to your mind the famous Holi song sequence from the film Mother India. A very emotional and cheerful Holi sequence takes place in Shantiniketan, Bolpur, some hundred kilometres away from Kolkata during Holi. It is popularly referred to as Basanta Utsav (Spring Festival) there. The celebration is of dance, music, and lots of organic colours—the whole celebration has very spiritual goodness attached to it. The sound of the Ektara mingled with the tinkling of ghungroos makes the environment merely majestic.


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